100 Years Celebration

On August 23, 2015 the Lane County Farmers Market celebrated 100 years of sustainable, local produce on the Park Blocks with a sit-down dinner and live music.
The event commemorated the Eugene Producer's Market starting the tradition a century ago, which LCFM continues today - offering access to locally grown goods at the same location it all began.
All proceeds from the event went toward
LCFM's SNAP Match Program
Special Thanks to all our great sponsors!
Lane County donated $5,000 to benefit our SNAP Match Program, which will get Food Stamp recepients more market dollars for their EBT purchases!
Biancalana Pork Growers provided a magnificent full roasted pig as the main course, and Vegan options were prepared by New Day Bakery.
Stephanie Scafa attended the event, assisting folks with properly disposing of compostables and recyclables in the Love Food Not Waste bins.
Thank you to all the LCFM Vendors who donated products for the event:
all the volunteers through
the Friends of the Farmers Market
who helped make the event possible:
Elizabeth Valdez Sue Jakabosky
Bobbie Cirel Pam & Andrew Sheridan
Rachel Mallinga Megan Sondheim
Tara DeMaderios David Erickson
Susan Oldland Cynthia Beal
Caellagh Morrissey Chelsea Van
Rhonda & Brian Hill
Excellent music by the