Ever wish you had an "extra set of hands"?
Well, look no further!
Friends of the Farmers Market is proud to help make your shopping experience smooth(er) sailing by organizing a spectacular team of "Veggie Valets"!!
These dedicated volunteers are available to assit you in making your shopping experience as easy as possible.
Find our friendly Veggie Valets at the Friends of the Farmers Market table. Stop by before you start shopping to have a Veggie Valet help you along your shopping route. They'll carry your purchases, or pull our "Wegetable Wagon" around for those bigger purchases.
If you'd prefer you can come by when your shopping is done to let us guard your purchases while you get your car or walk around the Saturday Market burden free!
No need to tip these valets! They are dedicated volunteers who work with the Friends of the Farmers Market to support and grow the market they love!
To keep updated on other Friends of the Farmers Market happenings and other changing market information check the "What's Happening" page for updates.
Our trusty, friendly, and enthusiastic volunteers show up at the Farmers Market to help us help you!
They help make your shopping experience easier by providing extra hands (or a cart) to help you carry your farmers market-bought goods to your car, bike, or bus stop!

AND if you are interested in becoming a Veggie Valet or other type or volunteer please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Sherman via email at:
OR by phone at 541.521.2512