Customer counters are integral volunteers for the Friends of the Farmers Market. Though this position might seem a bit "less romantic" than our other volunteer opportunities, it is no less important or fun!
We are a grant funded program through the Willamette Farm and Food Coalition and in order to apply for more grants and report to our funders we need data. Additionally, it's helpful to our market vendors to have data about customer traffic at various hours of the day and on various days of the year.
Our customer counters are utmost important in helping us gather this data. Our "customer counters" stand at strategic locations at the Farmers Market taking tallys (with a handheld clicker) of the customers they see. It's not a perfect science but it is designed to give us a better idea of how many people are frequenting the market. We can use this data to get an idea if our activities and "Market Days" are helping to grow the farmers market.
Check the "What's Happening" page for info on exciting events at the farmers market during this Centenial Season!
Customer counters play more of a "behind the scenes" role, even though they are present at the Farmers Market. They stand at a designated and strategic location at the farmers market and use a counter to tally the adults they see come into the market. This is a really good position for someone who enjoys "people watching."
It may not seem very "romantic" but it's a very important position and we need volunteers to help us gather customer count data!
Click here to learn more about what we ask of our Customer Counter volunteers and how you can become one!
If you are interested in being a Customer Counter please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Sherman via email at:
OR by phone at 541.521.2512